Industrial Attachment (ĭn-dŭs'trē-əl ə-tāch'mənt.noun): A semester in NTU without lectures, tutorials, Assessment, Assignment and of course, Exam, but to be compensated by wake up early in the morning, (hmnn.. with such a good roommate, wake up for shubuh is not that difficult actually :p) and stay awake from shubuh until 530 pm.
Yes, dondelta is having his Industrial Attachment this semester!, a semester where he hope can gain knowledge in his university lives in different ways. Dondelta is working as an intern in an US company named Agilent Technologies. A spin-off from hawlett packard that is located at Yishun Avenue 7.

Dondelta is working as a Quality Assurance (QA) engineer in R&D division. This division is developing E6474A, a Wireless Network Optimization Platform that is able to perform certain test to the evaluate and to optimize the network for wireless communication. Being a QA engineer, dondelta's task is to make sure that the software can work perfectly everytime there are updates for the software. To be able to do this task, dondelta need to be able to use the software to perform certain test. But, eventhough dondelta is trained by an experienced QA engineer, the task of familiarizing with the software is still a heavy task without this simple shortcut. 'F1'.
After dondelta managed to do manual QA test for E6474A in 2 weeks, he is asked to do an evaluation of another software codenamed TC, that should be able to perform the Automated QA test. This evaluation is important for the company decision to purchase TC to improve the efficiency of the QA test. In this task, again, dondelta faced a completely new software in his life. even worse, this time he doesn't have senior colleagues that can help him or advise him on this completely new software. But, again, dondelta is able to perform the task because of this simple shortcut, 'F1'.
for those who don't know what I mean, try to press 'F1' in your keyboard now.... =)
A software developer, created and developed a software to be used by himself/herself and by other people. this person know his own software from a to z and back to a again, know exactly the meaning of any particular shortcut, and understand precisely how to use his own software in the best way. This information is stored in manual of that software and can easily be shown with the shortcut, 'F1'. With this shortcut we can read the beginner manual, search for certain topics, and know how to use the software correctly. Eventhough sometimes we are not sure on why we must do a certain procedure, we know that this is the best way of using this software.
Isn't that how we supposed to do as human, The best creation of The best Creator, Allah SWT?
"This is the Book (the Quran), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqoon"
Allah SWT, the Creator of universe and whatever inside the universe including humans, will know the best how His creation should behave. He put down all this information in His manual book, Al Qur'anul Karim. So, as a creation, we should follow that manual for us to maximize our performance as a human. The same case like the help file on the software, We might not understand why we can or can't do certain matters in life. We as a creation can only guess, with the limitation of our knowledge what is the true meaning of Allah's guidance to us. maybe Allah forbid us to consume pork is because of taenia solium.... maybe.
"Why muslim can't eat pork?"
"It's because when a muslim press 'F1', the Creator said in the manual that muslim can't eat pork. full stop"
Delta Purna Widyangga
4th February 2008
Salam Bro..
MasyaAllah, such an interesting insight.. the last line is funny yet deep.:)
Wa'alaikumsalaam Amirah :D. Er.. just a bit random thought during IA hehehe... Jazakillah for reading :)
ay om...
please teach me about wireless yoo..
nice blog.. nice 'big'dream..
call me if u back to bogor..
woops, niatnya mah nyari2 berita tentang FORKOM, eh, nyasar ke blog Mas yang satu ini.
wah, meskipun itu tulisan agak jadul n awalnya zenzen wakaranai (sampe sekarang pun ngga ngerti itu lagi ngomongin apaan, hehe), tapi konteksnya ngena banget buat acid sekarang. inspiring, Bro, really. one of my new friends asked me that question ("why moslems can't eat pork?") and i couldn't explain it right away. kebanyakan mikir nih, si acid...
rajin2 nulis yang baru atuh. lagi sibuk skripsi kah?
btw, mari kita berdo'a untuk Ibunda HAstomi yang meninggal tanggal 5 Mei 2009. Meski kita ngga bisa takziah, tapi do'a kan tidak mengenal jarak. deshou?
ganbatte! itsumo ganbatte!
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